Figurative Fundamentals (Online Workshop) Fall 2024 w/ Robert Lemler


November 4 to November 18 (Mondays), 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM, Eastern Time

**All sessions are live and will be recorded, students do not have to be present. All recordings will be available to students for 3 months after the final session, after 3 months the recording will be deleted.

Please check your email spam/junk folder for your Zoom invite.


Workshop Description

This three week painting class will offer the student fundamental understanding of the interrelated and interdependent topics of study for the figurative artist . Through lecture and demonstration, I will share my understanding of the topics of shape, value, edges, color, paint manipulation, and design. We will discuss the characteristics of our light source, (strength, direction, and color) and how those characteristic components affect our interpretation. I will also share simplified concepts of anatomy and pictorial design which will strengthen one’s understanding of those topics. Our figurative studies will be of a simplified character with an emphasis on proportion and value relationships.

Much of my work, has been painted directly from life, usually in a single session . The class demonstrations will be of this simplified character, directly painted .

Workshop Outline

Week 1 - Introductions / Q&A, Stuff You Should Know

a: Tools and materials

b: Simplified anatomy

c: Values

d: Edges

e: Color

Week 2- Recap Day One / Q&A, Simplified Figure Studies

I will paint two or more simplified figure studies from photo references while explaining the procedure and answering any questions from students.

a: Study #1, standing figure

b: Study #2, standing figure

Week 3 - Recap Day One and Two / Q&A, Simple Design Concepts

a: Predominance of tone

b: Predominance of color

c: I will paint several studies illustrating these design concepts

Workshop Materials List

Oil colors:

I would prefer students use the palette they are fluent with. The following is a suggested list only:

Alizarin Crimson, Cadmium Red Light, Cadmium Orange Medium, Cadmium Yellow Pale, Yellow Ochre, Terra Rosa, Burnt Sienna, Viridian Green, Cobalt Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Ivory Black and Titanium White.

Suggested list for the less experienced painter: consider buying student grade paint!

Winton or Lucas are student grade oil paint .

This palette has only four colors plus white:

Alizarin Crimson or ( Alizarin Crimson Hue / student grade ), Cadmium Orange Medium or (Cadmium Orange Hue / student grade), Cadmium Yellow Medium or (Cadmium Yellow Hue /student grade), Ultramarine Blue Deep (or Ultramarine Blue / student grade), Titanium White.

Mediums :

I only use Gamsol in the early stages of a painting . I rarely use any other mediums.


bristle brushes , long flats , filberts and rounds of varying sizes synthetic small rounds for details... these are my preferences, please use brushes of your choice (softer brushes work best on less absorbent smooth grounds , traditional bristle brushes work well with more absorbent and more textured grounds).


I prefer linen, usually oil primed and mounted or taped to a panel. I also like to occasionally paint on Arches paper for oils or Mylar sheets . Students may use any acceptable surface they enjoy working on.

Other necessary stuff:

odorless paint thinner, brush washing can for thinner , palette to mix paint , paper towels

Other mediums :

Those working in other mediums may use colors of their choice

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